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Advice To All Applicants


The Community Fund is administered on behalf of the inhabitants of Colonsay. Therefore, applications must clearly demonstrate that the purpose of their project is to meet a local need or benefit the residents of Colonsay in some way.  The Mission Statement and Ethos of the Community Fund are provided to help applicants have a better idea what community benefit is.


Applicants are encouraged to include sufficient detail in their applications for the Panel to understand the project and the benefit it brings to Colonsay & Oronsay.  Applicants are therefore encouraged to ‘wax lyrical’ in the application form about their project; enthusiasm is catching, the Panel want to know that applicants are confident in their proposed project and excited by it. In addition, it is understood that the Panel aim to make sound funding decisions, therefore applicants may be invited to answer questions from the Panel where an application lacks sufficient information. If filling in the application form is still a little daunting then we have example application forms which can be downloaded here.


Applications can be for any amount – there is no upper or lower limit – though applicants should bear in mind that the annual contribution by MOWI is in the region of £14,000, and that this money should be shared around the community. As a rule of thumb, the larger the request the greater should be the community need being addressed, and also the greater the community benefit resulting. 


Individuals, as well as organisations, can apply to the COCF, and the same criteria will apply, and in particular all applications will need to show community benefit. Applications by community members for up to £1000 can use a fast track, simplified application process, because there is inherent benefit in grants for community members.


In some cases community benefit will be clear-cut and in other cases community benefit may be indirect or the benefit only reach part of the community.  The Panel can take into account all aspects of the benefit to the community connected to an application, and applicants should highlight these wherever possible.

It is important the applicants have looked for funding from other sources wherever available, and proposals with ‘match funding’ arrangements are encouraged.  In making a proposal, applicants should take into account and highlight voluntary contributions of time and effort, as this can be considered as equivalent to ‘match funding’.


Applications for routine operational costs will not normally be considered unless they form part of a defined development or growth plan. 

Of course the community will want to hear how projects work out, so you may be asked to complete an end-of-project report which will also be shared with the CCC and MOWI.

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©2023 by  The Colonsay & Oronsay Community Fund

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