Our Benefactors and Previous Projects
When Marine Harvest (MH) set up their fish farm off the east coast of Colonsay, it was agreed that they would donate £10,000 per annum to a community fund. In 2018 the MH name was replaced by MOWI.
When the fish farm site’s capacity was increased, MOWI’s donation to the community fund was also increased, rising to £14,000 per annum.
The Fund has proven to be a great asset, benefitting the community in many ways by enabling a wide range of community projects to take place. Below is a list of funded projects:
Through a grant provided by the Fund, Colonsay and Oronsay Heritage Trust (COHT) were able to carry out emergency repairs and paint their venue, the old Baptist Church. The Fund also provided financial assistance to COHT in publishing a book about the island, ‘A Brief Introduction to the Isles of Colonsay and Oronsay’, copies of which are still available for purchase, please contact them by emailing coht@btinternet.com.
Colonsay’s much loved community hub, the Village Hall, was also a recipient of funding, receiving funding to replace its windows, and a much needed upgrade to it’s lighting. Ceilidhs benefited too, by the provision of live music paid for from the Fund. Colonsay Community Development Company (CCDC) was also awarded funds to help purchase The Baptist Manse, and a Ridan composter. The Church of Scotland received funding to purchase Zoom technology, allowing church services to take place remotely throughout lockdown and beyond.
As well as helping local community organisations, the Fund can, and has, been able to assist individual members of the community in their projects. Folk music tuition for island residents and a project to help eradicate invasive species, are just two such examples.
Whilst we appreciate MOWI’s donations, we are always open to hear from anyone else who wishes to fund projects on the islands! If you are interested in donating to please get in touch with the Fund’s Administrator.